Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells

Journal Abbreviation: SOL ENERG MAT SOL C
ISSN: 0927-0248
Publisher: Elsevier

Publications (49)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Nondestructive characterization of polymeric components of silicon solar modules by near-infrared absorption spectroscopy (NIRA) (2020) Stroyuk O, Buerhop-Lutz C, Vetter A, Hauch J, Brabec C Journal article Quantitative analysis of degradation mechanisms in 30-year-old PV modules (2019) Liu Z, Castillo ML, Youssef A, Serdy JG, Watts A, Schmid C, Kurtz S, et al. Journal article Ionic Dipolar Switching Hinders Charge Collection in Perovskite Solar Cells with Normal and Inverted Hysteresis (2019) Almora Rodriguez O, Lopez-varo P, Cho KT, Aghazada S, Meng W, Hou Y, Echeverria-Arrondo C, et al. Journal article, Original article Fabrication and characterization of single junction GaAs solar cells on Si with As-doped Ge buffer (2017) Wang Y, Ren Z, Thway M, Lee K, Yoon SF, Peters IM, Buonassisi T, et al. Journal article A modeling framework for optimizing current density in four-terminal tandem solar cells: A case study on GaAs/Si tandem (2017) Liu Z, Ren Z, Liu H, Sahraei N, Lin F, Stangl R, Aberle AG, et al. Journal article The GaAs/GaAs/Si solar cell – Towards current matching in an integrated two terminal tandem (2017) Ren Z, Liu H, Liu Z, Tan CS, Aberle AG, Buonassisi T, Peters IM Journal article Superior Performance of V2O5 as Hole Selective Contact over other Transition Metal Oxides in Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells (2017) Almora Rodriguez O, Gerling LG, Voz C, Alcubilla R, Puigdollers J, Garcia-Belmonte G Journal article Nanostructured organosilicon luminophores in highly efficient luminescent down-shifting layers for thin film photovoltaics (2016) Uekert T, Solodovnyk A, Ponomarenko S, Osvet A, Levchuk I, Gast J, Batentschuk M, et al. Journal article, Original article Photodegradation of Si-PCPDTBT:PCBM active layer for organic solar cells applications: A surface and bulk investigation (2016) Tournebize A, Seck M, Vincze A, Distler A, Egelhaaf HJ, Brabec C, Rivaton A, et al. Journal article, Original article Cubic silicon carbide as a potential photovoltaic material (2016) Syväjärvi M, Ma Q, Jokubavicius V, Galeckas A, Sun J, Liu X, Jansson M, et al. Journal article
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