Journal of Cleaner Production

Journal Abbreviation: J CLEAN PROD
ISSN: 0959-6526
Publisher: Elsevier

Publications (33)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Renewable hydrogen imports for the German energy transition-A comparative life cycle assessment (2022) Kolb S, Müller J, Luna-Jaspe N, Karl J Journal article Renewable hydrogen imports for the German energy transition-A comparative life cycle assessment (2022) Kolb S, Müller J, Luna-Jaspe N, Karl J Journal article Analyzing and evaluating supplier carbon footprints in supply networks (2022) Bodendorf F, Dimitrov G, Franke J Journal article Renewable hydrogen imports for the German energy transition – A comparative life cycle assessment (2022) Kolb S, Müller J, Luna-Jaspe Roa N, Karl J Journal article Exploring barriers towards modular construction – A developer perspective using fuzzy DEMATEL (2022) Feldmann F, Birkel H, Hartmann E Journal article Sustainability meets agile: Using Scrum to develop frugal innovations (2022) Endres M, Bican P, Wöllner T Journal article Potentials of Industry 4.0 for Supply Chain Management within the Triple Bottom Line of Sustainability – A Systematic Literature Review (2021) Birkel H, Müller JM Journal article Innovation ecosystems for meeting sustainable development goals: The evolving roles of multinational enterprises (2021) Nylund PA, Brem A, Agarwal N Journal article How to design and construct an innovative frugal product? An empirical examination of a frugal new product development process (2020) Brem A, Wimschneider C, de Aguiar Dutra AR, Vieira Cubas AL, Ribeiro RD Journal article Odor characterization along the recycling process of post-consumer plastic film fractions (2020) Strangl M, Ortner E, Fell T, Ginzinger T, Büttner A Journal article
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