Advanced Engineering Materials
ISSN: 1438-1656
eISSN: 1527-2648
Publisher: Wiley
Publications (135)
Finite-Element Analysis of an Antagonistic Bistable Shape Memory Alloy Beam Actuator (2024)
Shahsavari H, Chen X, Tshikwand GK, Wendler F, Kohl M
Journal article
Adapting Conductivity and Mechanical Properties through Layer Thickness Variation in Copper Niobium Laminated Metallic Composites (2024)
Kuglstatter M, Nitschky M, Hartmann A, Kümmel F, Fecher J, Felfer P, Höppel HW, Göken M
Journal article
Effect of scanning strategies on grain structure and texture of additively manufactured lattice struts: A numerical exploration (2024)
Yang Z, Koepf JA, Markl M, Körner C
Journal article, Original article
A Novel Approach for Rapid Material Library Generation Using Laser-Remelting (2024)
Gaag T, Heidowitzsch M, Galgon F, Körner C, Zenk C
Journal article
Experimental Validation of Property Models and Databases for Computational Superalloy Design (2024)
Gaag T, Weidinger J, Bandorf J, Lux V, Wahlmann B, Neumeier S, Zenk C, Körner C
Journal article
Influence of a Preageing Treatment on the Cluster Formation and the Further Ageing Route in Al–Mg–Si Extrusion Alloys (2024)
Ortner P, Schiffl A, Höppel HW
Journal article
High Toughness Laminated Composites Fabricated from Ti3Al(Si)C2 Filled Preceramic Paper and Nb Foils: Formation Mechanism and Influence of Laminate Architecture (2024)
Kashkarov EB, Krotkevich D, Abdulmenova A, Tolkachev O, Travitzky N
Journal article
Modified Synthesis of Cs4PbBr6 for Enhanced Purity and Quantum Yield and for Exploring Its Potential as a High Stokes Shift Material for Down-Conversion in Solar Cells (2024)
Darwish E, Elia J, Barabash A, Hu H, Batentschuk M, Osvet A
Journal article
Advanced Hierarchical Biomorphous Silicon Carbide Monoliths (2024)
Hoffmann P, Simon S, Zierath B, Fey T
Journal article
Brightly Luminescent and Color-Tunable CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals with Enhanced Stability and Room Temperature Cubic Structure through Codoping with MnCl2 (2024)
Darwish E, Elia J, Fehn D, Köllner D, Pourjafar A, Christiansen S, Meyer K, et al.
Journal article