EPL - Europhysics Letters
Journal Abbreviation: EPL-EUROPHYS LETT
ISSN: 0295-5075
eISSN: 1286-4854
Publisher: Institute of Physics: EPL
Publications (79)
Injection and nucleation of topological defects in the quench dynamics of the Frenkel-Kontorova model (2023)
Chelpanova O, Kelly SP, Morigi G, Schmidt-Kaler F, Marino J
Journal article
Splitting probabilities for dynamics in corrugated channels: Passive vs. active Brownian motion (a) (2023)
Malgaretti P, Nizkaia T, Oshanin G
Journal article
Occurrence of connected clusters in motility-induced phase-separated states of persistent active particles at zero temperature (2023)
Schmiedeberg M
Journal article
Fluctuation-dissipation in thermoelectric sensors (2023)
Tran NAM, Dutt AS, Pulumati NB, Reith H, Hu A, Dumont A, Nielsch K, et al.
Journal article
Invariants of disordered semimetals via the spectral localizer (2022)
Schulz-Baldes H, Stoiber T
Journal article
Orbitronics: Orbital currents in solids (2021)
Go D, Jo D, Lee HW, Klaeui M, Mokrousov Y
Journal article, Review article
Athermal jamming vs. glassy dynamics for particles with exponentially decaying repulsive pair interaction potentials with a cutoff (2021)
Wohlleben N, Schmiedeberg M
Journal article, Letter
Nonequilibrium-DMFT based RIXS investigation of the two-orbital Hubbard model (2021)
Werner P, Johnston S, Eckstein M
Journal article
Sensitivity to strains and defects for manipulating the conductivity of graphene (2020)
Sahalianov IY, Radchenko TM, Tatarenko VA, Cuniberti G
Journal article
Nonequilibrium information erasure below kTln2 (2020)
Konopik M, Friedenberger A, Kiesel N, Lutz E
Journal article