EPL - Europhysics Letters
Journal Abbreviation: EPL-EUROPHYS LETT
ISSN: 0295-5075
eISSN: 1286-4854
Publisher: Institute of Physics: EPL
Publications (79)
Weyl points in the ferromagnetic Heusler compound Co2MnAl (2016)
Kuebler J, Felser C
Journal article
Short-range order in mesoscale systems probed by X-ray grating interferometry (2015)
Prade F, Yaroshenko A, Herzen J, Pfeiffer F
Journal article
On fermionic shadow wave functions for strongly correlated multi-reference systems based on a single Slater determinant (2015)
Calcavecchia F, Kühne TD
Journal article
A generalized perspective on non-perturbative linked-cluster expansions (2015)
Coester K, Clever S, Herbst F, Capponi S, Schmidt KP
Journal article
Intercalation effect on hyperfine parameters of Fe in FeSe superconductor with Tc = 42 K (2015)
Shylin SI, Ksenofontov V, Sedlmaier SJ, Clarke SJ, Cassidy SJ, Wortmann G, Medvedev SA, Felser C
Journal article
Entropy of unimodular lattice triangulations (2015)
Mecke K, Krüger B, Reinhard J
Journal article
Random walk patterns of a soil bacterium in open and confined environments (2015)
Theves M, Taktikos J, Zaburdaev V, Stark H, Beta C
Journal article
Non-universal Voronoi cell shapes in amorphous ellipsoid packs (2015)
Schröter M, Schaller F, Kapfer S, Hilton JE, Cleary PW, Mecke K, de Michele C, et al.
Journal article, Original article
Fundamental mixed measure theory for non-spherical colloids (2015)
Wittmann R, Marechal M, Mecke K
Journal article
Non-collinear antiferromagnets and the anomalous Hall effect (2014)
Kuebler J, Felser C
Journal article