physica status solidi (a)

Journal Abbreviation: PHYS STATUS SOLIDI A
ISSN: 1862-6300
eISSN: 0031-8965
Publisher: Wiley

Publications (56)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Growing bulk-like 3C-SiC from seeding material produced by CVD (2017) Schuh P, Arzig M, Litrico G, La Via F, Mauceri M, Wellmann P Journal article, Original article Effect of oxygen impurities in semipolar III-nitride light emitting diodes (2017) Roemer F, Witzigmann B Journal article Noble metal-doping of nanostructured tin(II) sulfide (2016) Falkenbach O, Tinz J, Schulze AS, Mueller E, Schlecht S Journal article Surface effects on thermoelectric properties of metallic and semiconducting nanowires (2016) Kojda D, Mitdank R, Weidemann S, Mogilatenko A, Wang Z, Ruhhammer J, Kroener M, et al. Journal article Influence of point defects on the phonon thermal conductivity and phonon density of states of Bi2Te3 (2016) Bedoya-Martinez ON, Hashibon A, Elsaesser C Journal article From thermoelectric bulk to nanomaterials: Current progress for Bi2Te3 and CoSb3 (2016) Peranio N, Eibl O, Bassler S, Nielsch K, Klobes B, Hermann RP, Daniel M, et al. Journal article Nanophase separation in CoSb-based half-Heusler thermoelectrics: A multiscale simulation study (2016) Mena JM, Schoberth HG, Gruhn T, Emmerich H Journal article Thermoelectric properties of Ge/Si heterostructures: A combined theoretical and experimental study (2016) Fiedler G, Nausner L, Hu Y, Chen P, Rastelli A, Kratzer P Journal article Nanostructured Thermoelectrics (2016) Reith H, Nielsch K Journal article Ab initio description of the thermoelectric properties of heterostructures in the diffusive limit of transport (2016) Hinsche NF, Rittweger F, Hoelzer M, Zahn P, Ernst A, Mertig I Journal article, Review article
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