Behavioural Brain Research
Journal Abbreviation: BEHAV BRAIN RES
ISSN: 0166-4328
eISSN: 1872-7549
Publisher: Elsevier
Publications (28)
Unraveling the complexity of alpha-synucleinopathies: Insights from the special issue “alpha synuclein and synucleinopathies” (2024)
Xiang W, Vicente Miranda H
Journal article
Young human alpha synuclein transgenic (BAC-SNCA) mice display sex- and gene-dose-dependent phenotypic disturbances (2024)
Moceri S, Bäuerle N, Habermeyer J, Ratz-Wirsching V, Harrer J, Distler J, Schulze-Krebs A, et al.
Journal article
The dopamine D1 receptor antagonist SCH-23390 blocks the acquisition, but not expression of mitragynine-induced conditioned place preference in rats (2023)
Japarin RA, Harun N, Hassan Z, Müller CP
Journal article
Gut-to-brain spreading of pathology in synucleinopathies: A focus on molecular signalling mediators (2023)
Schmitt V, Masanetz RK, Weidenfeller M, Ebbinghaus LS, Süß P, Rosshart SP, von Hörsten S, et al.
Journal article
Sex-specific effects of different types of prenatal stress on foetal testosterone levels and NMDA expression in mice (2023)
Kalinichenko L, Smaga I, Filip M, Lenz B, Kornhuber J, Müller CP
Journal article
The role of AMPA and NMDA receptors in mitragynine effects on hippocampal synaptic plasticity (2023)
Effendy MA, Yunusa S, Mat NH, Has ATC, Müller CP, Hassan Z
Journal article
Corrigendum to “Cross-reinstatement of mitragynine and morphine place preference in rats” [Behav. Brain Res. 399 (2021) 113021] (Behavioural Brain Research (2021) 399, (S0166432820307208), (10.1016/j.bbr.2020.113021)) (2023)
Japarin RA, Yusoff NH, Hassan Z, Müller CP, Harun N
Journal article, Erratum
Low income and schizophrenia risk: A narrative review (2022)
Schneider M, Müller CP, Knies AK
Journal article, Review article
Alpha synuclein processing by MMP-3 – implications for synucleinopathies (2022)
Bluhm A, Schrempel S, Moceri S, Stieler J, Feja M, Schilling S, Schulze A, et al.
Journal article
The role of triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 in Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders (2022)
Schwarz H, Bässler S, Balta D, Socher E, Zunke F, Arnold P
Journal article