Nature Neuroscience
Journal Abbreviation: NAT NEUROSCI
ISSN: 1097-6256
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
Publications (26)
Mutual Antagonism Between Sox10 and NFIA Regulates Diversification of Glial Lineages and Glioma Sub-Types. (2014)
Wegner M
Journal article, Original article
Mutual antagonism between Sox10 and NFIA regulates diversification of glial lineages and glioma subtypes (2014)
Glasgow SM, Zhu W, Stolt C, Huang TW, Chen F, Loturco JJ, Neul JL, et al.
Journal article
The age and genomic integrity of neurons after cortical stroke in humans (2014)
Huttner HB, Bergmann O, Salehpour M, Racz A, Tatarishvili J, Lindgren E, Csonka T, et al.
Journal article
Live imaging of astrocyte responses to acute injury reveals selective juxtavascular proliferation (2013)
Bardehle S, Krueger M, Buggenthin F, Schwausch J, Ninkovic J, Clevers H, Snippert HJ, et al.
Journal article
Competing waves of oligodendrocytes in the forebrain and postnatal elimination of an early embryonic lineage. (2006)
Wegner M
Journal article, Original article
The Runx1/AML1 transcription factor selectively regulates development and survival of TrkA nociceptive sensory neurons. (2006)
Wegner M
Journal article, Original article