Procedia CIRP
ISSN: 2212-8271
Publisher: Curran
Publications (207)
Pre-crosslinking Dependent Layer Adhesion in Additive Manufacturing of RTV-2 Silicone (2024)
Gugel L, Mashhouri S, Franke J, Martin S
Journal article
Influence of Laminate Parameter and Draping Variations on Locally Reinforced Composite Parts (2024)
Freitag S, Götz S, Wartzack S
Journal article
Generating Manufacturing Distributions for Sampling-based Tolerance Analysis using Deep Learning Models (2024)
Schächtl P, Roth M, Bräu J, Götz S, Schleich B, Wartzack S
Journal article
Uncovering the potential of chatbots during the development of industrial smart product-service systems (2024)
Koustas SG, Kirschbaum J, Möslein K
Journal article
From pixels to 3D worlds: Enhancing digital collaboration for distributed teams (2024)
Koustas SG, Breimair G, Amler MK
Journal article
From connectivity via intelligence toward sustainability? Maturity of shopfloor automation technology in the manufacturing industry (2024)
Reichenstein T, Reich CS, Hoffmann K, Franke J
Journal article
Identification of a descriptive beam size metric for complex beam shapes (2024)
Chechik L, Schmidt M
Journal article
Picosecond spaced pulse burst generation using a low repetition rate ultrafast fiber laser and spectral filtering (2024)
Beck B, Kromm M, Schmauß B
Journal article
Efficient shielding gas supply for laser-based Powder Bed Fusion of metals (PBF-LB/M) (2024)
Medvedev V, Kopp SP, Nahr F, Roth S
Journal article
Layer-dependent temperature evolution and cooling kinetics in non-isothermal Powder Bed Fusion of polypropylene (2024)
Schlicht S, Drummer D
Journal article, Original article