Production of high performance multi-crystalline silicon ingots for PV application by using contamination-free SixNy seed particles

Schwanke S, Trempa M, Reimann C, Kuczynski M, Schroll G, Sans J, Friedrich J (2019)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2019


Book Volume: 522

Pages Range: 151-159

DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2019.05.030


In this work a new type of contamination-free SixNy seed particles for the directional solidification of HPM silicon ingots is introduced and evaluated. Several G1 crystallization experiments have been carried out to examine the influence of the seed particle size, the introduced mass and the influence of the composition of the underlying Si3N4 coating at the crucible bottom. Finally, multi-PERC cells over the ingot height from one of the most promising SixNy seeded ingot have been prepared.

Involved external institutions

How to cite


Schwanke, S., Trempa, M., Reimann, C., Kuczynski, M., Schroll, G., Sans, J., & Friedrich, J. (2019). Production of high performance multi-crystalline silicon ingots for PV application by using contamination-free SixNy seed particles. Journal of Crystal Growth, 522, 151-159.


Schwanke, Stanislaus, et al. "Production of high performance multi-crystalline silicon ingots for PV application by using contamination-free SixNy seed particles." Journal of Crystal Growth 522 (2019): 151-159.

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