Climate Change Law

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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Supporting the Transition to Climate-Neutral Production: An Evaluation Under the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (2023) Ismer R, van Asselt H, Haverkamp J, Mehling M, Neuhoff K, Pirlot A Journal article Addressing export concerns in the CBAM File (2022) Neuhoff K, Chiappinelli O, Richstein J, Köveker T, Gerres T, Linares P, Ismer R Other publication type To ban or not to ban carbon-intensive materials: A legal and administrative assessment of product carbon requirements (2021) Gerres T, Haußner M, Neuhoff K, Pirlot A Journal article Including Consumption into Emissions Trading - Economic and Legal Considerations (2021) Haußner M Authored book, Monography Klimaschutz durch Steuern: Grundlagen und aktuelle Entwicklungen (2021) Ismer R Journal article Climate Neutral Production, Free Allocation of Allowances under Emissions Trading Systems, and the WTO - How to Secure Compatibility with the ASCM (2021) Ismer R, van Asselt H, Haverkamp J, Mehling M, Neuhoff K, Pirlot A Other publication type Border Carbon Adjustments and Alternative Measures for the EU ETS: An Evaluation (2020) Ismer R, Neuhoff K, Pirlot A Other publication type A Union that Strives for More Also in the Area of Taxation: Tax Measures in the Incoming Commission’s Political Guidelines (2020) Ismer R Journal article, Editorial CO2-Bepreisung: warum die Anpassung der Energiesteuer ein gutes Instrument wäre (2019) Neuhoff K, Ismer R Other publication type A minimum carbon price for the European electricity industry: what for? And how? (2019) Berghmans N, Haußner M Other publication type
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