Abbasi R, Ackermann M, Adams J, Agarwalla SK, Aguilar JA, Ahlers M, Alameddine JM, Amin NM, Andeen K, Anton G, Argüelles C, Ashida Y, Athanasiadou S, Audehm J, Axani SN, Bai X, Balagopal AV, Baricevic M, Barwick SW, Basu V, Bay R, Becker Tjus J, Beise J, Bellenghi C, Benning C, BenZvi S, Berley D, Bernardini E, Besson DZ, Bishop A, Blaufuss E, Blot S, Bohmer M, Bontempo F, Book JY, Borowka J, Boscolo Meneguolo C, Böser S, Botner O, Böttcher J, Bouma S, Bourbeau E, Braun J, Brinson B, Brostean-Kaiser J, Burley RT, Busse RS, Butterfield D, Campana MA, Carloni K, Carnie-Bronca EG, Cataldo M, Chattopadhyay S, Chau N, Chen C, Chen Z, Chirkin D, Choi S, Clark BA, Clark R, Classen L, Coleman A, Collin GH, Conrad JM, Cowen DF, Dasgupta B, Dave P, Deaconu C, De Clercq C, De Kockere S, DeLaunay JJ, Delgado D, Deng S, Deoskar K, Desai A, Desiati P, de Vries KD, de Wasseige G, DeYoung T, Diaz A, Díaz-Vélez JC, Dittmer M, Domi A, Dujmovic H, DuVernois MA, Ehrhardt T, Eller P, Ellinger E, El Mentawi S, Elsässer D, Engel R, Erpenbeck H, Evans J, Evans JJ, Evenson PA, Fan KL, Fang K, Farrag K, Farrag K, Fazely AR, Fedynitch A, Feigl N, Fiedlschuster S, Finley C, Fischer L, Flaggs B, Fox D, Franckowiak A, Fritz A, Fujii T, Fürst P, Gallagher J, Ganster E, Garcia A, Gerhardt L, Gernhaeuser R, Ghadimi A, Giri P, Glaser C, Glauch T, Glüsenkamp T, Goehlke N, Goswami S, Grant D, Gray SJ, Gries O, Griffin S, Griswold S, Guevel D, Günther C, Gutjahr P, Haack C, Haji Azim T, Hallgren A, Halliday R, Hallmann S, Halve L, Halzen F, Hamdaoui H, Ha Minh M, Hanson K, Hardin J, Harnisch AA, Hatch P, Haugen J, Haungs A, Heinen D, Helbing K, Hellrung J, Hendricks B, Henningsen F, Henrichs J, Heuermann L, Heyer N, Hickford S, Hidvegi A, Hignight J, Hill C, Hill GC, Hoffman KD, Hoffmann B, Holzapfel K, Hori S, Hoshina K, Hou W, Huber T, Huege T, Hughes K, Hultqvist K, Hünnefeld M, Hussain R, Hymon K, In S, Ishihara A, Jacquart M, Janik O, Jansson M, Japaridze GS, Jeong M, Jin M, Jones BJ, Kalekin O, Kang D, Kang W, Kang X, Kappes A, Kappesser D, Kardum L, Karg T, Karl M, Karle A, Katori T, Katz U, Kauer M, Kelley JL, Khatee Zathul A, Kheirandish A, Kiryluk J, Klein SR, Kobayashi T, Kochocki A, Kolanoski H, Kontrimas T, Köpke L, Kopper C, Koskinen DJ, Koundal P, Kovacevich M, Kowalski M, Kozynets T, Krauss CB, Kravchenko I, Krishnamoorthi J, Krupczak E, Kumar A, Kun E, Kurahashi N, Lad N, Lagunas Gualda C, Larson MJ, Latseva S, Lauber F, Lazar JP, Lee JW, Leonard DeHolton K, Leszczyńska A, Lincetto M, Liu QR, Liubarska M, Lohan M, Lohfink E, LoSecco J, Love C, Lozano Mariscal CJ, Lu L, Lucarelli F, Lyu Y, Madsen J, Mahn KB, Makino Y, Mancina S, Mandalia S, Marie Sainte W, Mariş IC, Marka S, Marka Z, Marsee M, Martinez-Soler I, Maruyama R, Mayhew F, McElroy T, McNally F, Mead JV, Meagher K, Mechbal S, Medina A, Meier M, Merckx Y, Merten L, Meyers Z, Micallef J, Mikhailova M, Mitchell J, Montaruli T, Moore RW, Morii Y, Morse R, Moulai M, Mukherjee T, Naab R, Nagai R, Nakos M, Narayan 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L, Schwefer G, Sclafani S, Seckel D, Seikh M, Seunarine S, Shaevitz MH, Shah R, Sharma A, Shefali S, Shimizu N, Silva M, Skrzypek B, Smith D, Smithers B, Snihur R, Soedingrekso J, Søgaard A, Soldin D, Soldin P, Sommani G, Southall D, Spannfellner C, Spiczak GM, Spiering C, Stamatikos M, Stanev T, Stezelberger T, Stoffels J, Stürwald T, Stuttard T, Sullivan GW, Taboada I, Taketa A, Tanaka HK, Ter-Antonyan S, Thiesmeyer M, Thompson WG, Thwaites J, Tilav S, Tollefson K, Tönnis C, Torres J, Toscano S, Tosi D, Trettin A, Tsunesada Y, Tung CF, Turcotte R, Twagirayezu JP, Ty B, Unland Elorrieta MA, Upadhyay AK, Upshaw K, Valtonen-Mattila N, Vandenbroucke J, van Eijndhoven N, Vannerom D, van Santen J, Vara J, Veberic D, Veitch-Michaelis J, Venugopal M, Verpoest S, Vieregg A, Vijai A, Walck C, Weaver C, Weigel P, Weindl A, Weldert J, Welling C, Wendt C, Werthebach J, Weyrauch M, Whitehorn N, Wiebusch CH, Willey N, Williams DR, Wissel S, Witthaus L, Wolf A, Wolf M, Wörner G, Wrede G, Wren S, Xu XW, Yanez JP, Yildizci E, Yoshida S, Young R, Yu F, Yu S, Yuan T, Zhang Z, Zhelnin P, Zierke S, Zimmerman M (2024)
Publication Type: Conference contribution
Publication year: 2024
Publisher: Sissa Medialab Srl
Book Volume: 444
Conference Proceedings Title: Proceedings of Science
Event location: Nagoya, JPN
The IceCube-Gen2 Neutrino Observatory is proposed to extend the all-flavour energy range of IceCube beyond PeV energies. It will comprise two key components: I) An enlarged 8 km3 in-ice optical Cherenkov array to measure the continuation of the IceCube astrophysical neutrino flux and improve IceCube’s point source sensitivity above ∼ 100 TeV; and II) A very large in-ice radio array with a surface area of about 500 km2. Radio waves propagate through ice with a kilometer-long attenuation length, hence a sparse radio array allows us to instrument a huge volume of ice to achieve a sufficient sensitivity to detect neutrinos with energies above tens of PeV. The different signal topologies for neutrino-induced events measured by the optical and in-ice radio detector - the radio detector is mostly sensitive to the cascades produced in the neutrino interaction, while the optical detector can detect long-ranging muon and tau leptons with high accuracy - yield highly complementary information. When detected in coincidence, these signals will allow us to reconstruct the neutrino energy and arrival direction with high fidelity. Furthermore, if events are detected in coincidence with a sufficient rate, they resemble the unique opportunity to study systematic uncertainties and to cross-calibrate both detector components. We present the expected rate of coincidence events for 10 years of operation. Furthermore, we analyzed possible detector optimizations to increase the coincidence rate.
Abbasi, R., Ackermann, M., Adams, J., Agarwalla, S.K., Aguilar, J.A., Ahlers, M.,... Zimmerman, M. (2024). Estimating the coincidence rate between the optical and radio array of IceCube-Gen2. In Proceedings of Science. Nagoya, JPN: Sissa Medialab Srl.
Abbasi, R., et al. "Estimating the coincidence rate between the optical and radio array of IceCube-Gen2." Proceedings of the 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2023, Nagoya, JPN Sissa Medialab Srl, 2024.
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