PoS - Proceedings of Science

ISSN: 1824-8039
Publisher: SISSA

Publications (100)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Open-Science Integration of a Combined Analysis of KM3NeT and CTA into the EOSC Infrastructure (2024) Smirnov M Conference contribution Status of RNO-G: Radio Neutrino Observatory Greenland (2024) Cataldo M Conference contribution Resolving Hubble Tension with New Gravitational Scalar Tensor Theories (2023) Banerjee S, Petronikolou M, Saridakis EN Conference contribution Towards IceCube-Gen2: Plans for the in-ice radio array (2023) Nelles A Conference contribution Prospects for measuring the longitudinal particle distribution of cosmic-ray air showers with SKA (2023) Corstanje A, Buitink S, Bhavani J, Desmet M, Falcke H, Hare BM, Hörandel JR, et al. Conference contribution The NuMoon Experiment: Preliminary results and upper limits on UHE particles (2023) Krampah GK, Buitink S, Bhavani J, Desmet M, Corstanje A, Falcke H, Hare BM, et al. Conference contribution Constraining the cosmic-ray mass composition by measuring the shower length with SKA (2023) Buitink S, Corstanje A, Bhavani J, Desmet M, Falcke H, Hare BM, Hörandel JR, et al. Conference contribution Using NuRadioMC to study the performance of UHE radio neutrino detectors (2023) Bouma S, Clark B, Giri P, Glaser C, Hallmann S, Heyer N, Kravchenko I, et al. Conference contribution A VLBI investigation of high-energy neutrino emitter candidates (2023) Nanci C, Giroletti M, Orienti M, Migliori G, Moldón J, Garrappa S, Kadler M, et al. Conference contribution LHCspin: Unpolarized gas target SMOG2, and prospects for a polarized gas target at the LHC (2023) Steffens E, Di Nezza P, Santimaria M, Carassiti V, Ciullo G, Lenisa P, Pappalardo LL, Tagliente G Conference contribution