Abbasi R, Ackermann M, Adams J, Agarwalla SK, Aguilar JA, Ahlers M, Alameddine JM, Amin NM, Andeen K, Anton G, Argüelles C, Ashida Y, Athanasiadou S, Axani SN, Bai X, Balagopal AV, Baricevic M, Barwick SW, Basu V, Bay R, Beatty JJ, Becker Tjus J, Beise J, Bellenghi C, Benning C, BenZvi S, Berley D, Bernardini E, Besson DZ, Blaufuss E, Blot S, Bontempo F, Book JY, Boscolo Meneguolo C, Böser S, Botner O, Böttcher J, Bourbeau E, Braun J, Brinson B, Brostean-Kaiser J, Burley RT, Busse RS, Butterfield D, Campana MA, Carloni K, Carnie-Bronca EG, Chattopadhyay S, Chau N, Chen C, Chen Z, Chirkin D, Choi S, Clark BA, Classen L, Coleman A, Collin GH, Connolly A, Conrad JM, Coppin P, Correa P, Cowen DF, Dave P, De Clercq C, DeLaunay JJ, Delgado D, Deng S, Deoskar K, Desai A, Desiati P, de Vries KD, de Wasseige G, DeYoung T, Diaz A, Díaz-Vélez JC, Dittmer M, Domi A, Dujmovic H, DuVernois MA, Ehrhardt T, Eller P, Ellinger E, El Mentawi S, Elsässer D, Engel R, Erpenbeck H, Evans J, Evenson PA, Fan KL, Fang K, Farrag K, Fazely AR, Fedynitch A, Feigl N, Fiedlschuster S, Finley C, Fischer L, Fox D, Franckowiak A, Fritz A, Fürst P, Gallagher J, Ganster E, Garcia A, Gerhardt L, Ghadimi A, Glaser C, Glauch T, Glüsenkamp T, Goehlke N, Gonzalez JG, Goswami S, Grant D, Gray SJ, Gries O, Griffin S, Griswold S, Groth KM, Günther C, Gutjahr P, Haack C, Hallgren A, Halliday R, Halve L, Halzen F, Hamdaoui H, Ha Minh M, Hanson K, Hardin J, Harnisch AA, Hatch P, Haungs A, Helbing K, Hellrung J, Henningsen F, Heuermann L, Heyer N, Hickford S, Hidvegi A, Hill C, Hill GC, Hoffman KD, Hori S, Hoshina K, Hou W, Huber T, Hultqvist K, Hünnefeld M, Hussain R, Hymon K, In S, Ishihara A, Jacquart M, Janik O, Jansson M, Japaridze GS, Jeong M, Jin M, Jones BJ, Kang D, Kang W, Kang X, Kappes A, Kappesser D, Kardum L, Karg T, Karl M, Karle A, Katz U, Kauer M, Kelley JL, Khatee Zathul A, Kheirandish A, Kiryluk J, Klein SR, Kochocki A, Koirala R, Kolanoski H, Kontrimas T, Köpke L, Kopper C, Koskinen DJ, Koundal P, Kovacevich M, Kowalski M, Kozynets T, Krishnamoorthi J, Kruiswijk K, Krupczak E, Kumar A, Kun E, Kurahashi N, Lad N, Lagunas Gualda C, Lamoureux M, Larson MJ, Latseva S, Lauber F, Lazar JP, Lee JW, Leonard DeHolton K, Leszczyńska A, Lincetto M, Liu QR, Liubarska M, Lohfink E, Love C, Lozano Mariscal CJ, Lu L, Lucarelli F, Luszczak W, Lyu Y, Madsen J, Mahn KB, Makino Y, Manao E, Mancina S, Marie Sainte W, Mariş IC, Marka S, Marka Z, Marsee M, Martinez-Soler I, Maruyama R, Mayhew F, McElroy T, McNally F, Mead JV, Meagher K, Mechbal S, Medina A, Meier M, Merckx Y, Merten L, Micallef J, Mitchell J, Montaruli T, Moore RW, Morii Y, Morse R, Moulai M, Mukherjee T, Naab R, Nagai R, Nakos M, Naumann U, Necker J, Negi A, Neumann M, Niederhausen H, Nisa MU, Noell A, Novikov A, Nowicki SC, Obertacke Pollmann A, O’Dell V, Oehler M, Oeyen B, Olivas A, Ørsøe R, Osborn J, O’Sullivan E, Pandya H, Park N, Parker GK, Paudel EN, Paul L, Pérez de los Heros C, Peterson J, Philippen S, Pizzuto A, Plum M, Pontén A, Popovych Y, Prado Rodriguez M, Pries B, Procter-Murphy R, Przybylski GT, Raab C, Rack-Helleis J, Rawlins K, Rechav Z, Rehman A, Reichherzer P, Renzi G, Resconi E, Reusch S, Rhode W, Riedel B, Rifaie A, Roberts EJ, Robertson S, Rodan S, Roellinghoff G, Rongen M, Rott C, Ruhe T, Ruohan L, Ryckbosch D, Safa I, Saffer J, Salazar-Gallegos D, Sampathkumar P, Sanchez Herrera SE, Sandrock A, Santander M, Sarkar S, Sarkar S, Savelberg J, Savina P, Schaufel M, Schieler H, Schindler S, Schlickmann L, Schlüter B, Schlüter F, Schmeisser N, Schmidt T, Schneider J, Schröder FG, Schumacher L, Schwefer G, Sclafani S, Seckel D, Seikh M, Seunarine S, Shah R, Sharma A, Shefali S, Shimizu N, Silva M, Skrzypek B, Smithers B, Snihur R, Soedingrekso J, Søgaard A, Soldin D, Soldin P, Sommani G, Spannfellner C, Spiczak GM, Spiering C, Stamatikos M, Stanev T, Stezelberger T, Stürwald T, Stuttard T, Sullivan GW, Taboada I, Ter-Antonyan S, Thiesmeyer M, Thompson WG, Thwaites J, Tilav S, Tollefson K, Tönnis C, Toscano S, Tosi D, Trettin A, Tung CF, Turcotte R, Twagirayezu JP, Ty B, Unland Elorrieta MA, Upadhyay AK, Upshaw K, Valtonen-Mattila N, Vandenbroucke J, van Eijndhoven N, Vannerom D, van Santen J, Vara J, Veitch-Michaelis J, Venugopal M, Vereecken M, Verpoest S, Veske D, Vijai A, Walck C, Weaver C, Weigel P, Weindl A, Weldert J, Wendt C, Werthebach J, Weyrauch M, Whitehorn N, Wiebusch CH, Willey N, Williams DR, Witthaus L, Wolf A, Wolf M, Wrede G, Xu XW, Yanez JP, Yildizci E, Yoshida S, Young R, Yu F, Yu S, Yuan T, Zhang Z, Zhelnin P, Zimmerman M (2024)
Publication Type: Conference contribution
Publication year: 2024
Publisher: Sissa Medialab Srl
Book Volume: 444
Conference Proceedings Title: Proceedings of Science
Event location: Nagoya, JPN
For about a decade the IceCube Neutrino Observatory has been observing a high-energy diffuse astrophysical neutrino flux. At these energies, an important source of background are the prompt atmospheric neutrinos produced in decays of charmed mesons that are part of cosmic-ray-induced air showers. The production yield of charmed mesons in the very forward phase space of hadronic interactions, and thus the flux of prompt neutrinos, is not well known and has not yet been observed by IceCube. A measurement of the flux of prompt neutrinos will improve the modeling of hadronic interactions in cosmic-ray induced air showers at high energies. Additionally, in the context of astrophysical neutrino measurements, understanding this background flux will improve the measurement precision of the spectral shape in the future. In particular, the analysis of up-going muon neutrino-induced tracks in IceCube provides a large sample of atmospheric neutrinos which likely includes prompt neutrinos. However, the measurement of a subdominant prompt neutrino flux strongly depends on the hypothesis for the dominant astrophysical neutrino flux. This makes the estimation of upper limits on the prompt neutrino flux challenging. We discuss the extent of this model dependency on the astrophysical flux and propose a method to calculate robust upper limits. Furthermore, a possible dedicated search of the prompt neutrino flux using multiple IceCube detection channels is outlined.
Abbasi, R., Ackermann, M., Adams, J., Agarwalla, S.K., Aguilar, J.A., Ahlers, M.,... Zimmerman, M. (2024). Search for the Prompt Atmospheric Neutrino Flux in IceCube. In Proceedings of Science. Nagoya, JPN: Sissa Medialab Srl.
Abbasi, R., et al. "Search for the Prompt Atmospheric Neutrino Flux in IceCube." Proceedings of the 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2023, Nagoya, JPN Sissa Medialab Srl, 2024.
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