Network Design and Control: Shape and Topology Optimization for the Turnpike Property for the Wave Equation

Gugat M, Sokolowski J, Sokolowski J, Qian M (2024)

Publication Language: English

Publication Type: Journal article, Original article

Publication year: 2024


Book Volume: 34

Article Number: 273


DOI: 10.1007/s12220-024-01712-8

Open Access Link:


The optimal control problems for the wave equation are considered on networks. The turnpike property is shown for the state equation, the adjoint state equation as well as the optimal cost. The shape and topology optimization is performed for the network with the shape functional given by the optimality system of the control problem. The set of admissible shapes for the network is compact in finite dimensions, thus the use of turnpike property is straightforward. The topology optimization is analysed for an example of nucleation of a small cycle at the internal node of network. The topological derivative of the cost is introduced and evaluated in the framework of domain decomposition technique. Numerical examples are provided.

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How to cite


Gugat, M., Sokolowski, J., Sokolowski, J., & Qian, M. (2024). Network Design and Control: Shape and Topology Optimization for the Turnpike Property for the Wave Equation. Journal of Geometric Analysis, 34.


Gugat, Martin, et al. "Network Design and Control: Shape and Topology Optimization for the Turnpike Property for the Wave Equation." Journal of Geometric Analysis 34 (2024).

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