β-Catenin-Dependent Control Of Positional Information Along The AP body axis in planarians involves a teashirt family member

Reuter H, Maerz M, Vogg MC, Eccles D, Grifol-Boldu L, Wehner D, Owlarn S, Adell T, Weidinger G, Bartscherer K (2015)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2015


Book Volume: 10

Pages Range: 253-265

Journal Issue: 2

DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2014.12.018


Wnt/β-catenin signaling regulates tissue homeostasis and regeneration in metazoans. In planarians-flatworms with high regenerative potential-Wnt ligands are thought to control tissue polarity by shaping a β-catenin activity gradient along the anterior-posterior axis, yet the downstream mechanisms are poorly understood. We performed an RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)-based screen and identified hundreds of β-catenin-dependent transcripts, of which several were expressed in muscle tissue and stem cells in a graded fashion. In particular, a teashirt (tsh) ortholog was induced in a β-catenin-dependent manner during regeneration in planarians and zebrafish, and RNAi resulted in two-headed planarians. Strikingly, intact planarians depleted of tsh induced anterior markers and slowly transformed their tail into a head, reminiscent of β-catenin RNAi phenotypes. Given that β-catenin RNAi enhanced the formation of muscle cells expressing anterior determinants in tail regions, our study suggests that this pathway controls tissue polarity through regulating the identity of differentiating cells during homeostasis and regeneration.

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How to cite


Reuter, H., Maerz, M., Vogg, M.C., Eccles, D., Grifol-Boldu, L., Wehner, D.,... Bartscherer, K. (2015). β-Catenin-Dependent Control Of Positional Information Along The AP body axis in planarians involves a teashirt family member. Cell Reports, 10(2), 253-265. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2014.12.018


Reuter, Hanna, et al. "β-Catenin-Dependent Control Of Positional Information Along The AP body axis in planarians involves a teashirt family member." Cell Reports 10.2 (2015): 253-265.

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