Tracking, a necessity to improve online learning

Protopsaltis A, Schorer A, Gavalas D, Triantis K, Makrides GA, Kyrillou R, Dimopoulou N, Kazantzidou N, D´Angelo E, Formica C, Díaz-García P, Gisbert-Payá J (2021)

Publication Language: English

Publication Type: Conference contribution, Original article

Publication year: 2021

Publisher: IATED

Pages Range: 7082-7088

Conference Proceedings Title: Proceedings of INTED2021 Conference

Event location: Virtual

ISBN: 978-84-09-27666-0

DOI: 10.21125/inted.2021.1409

Open Access Link:


At this moment, pandemic situation due to COVID-19 implies some changes, there is a considerable

transformation for the digital system, not only work has moved to online when possible but also

education had to move fast to online learning in the majority of developed countries. ASTRE project is

focused in improving the quality of offered online learning opportunities for adults which is directly related

with the requirements from the pandemic.

This paper is the preliminary result from ASTRE project, a project based on Online Learning for adults

and its impact. The aim of this paper is to study different MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses)

providers in order to analyse existing tracking systems. MOOC providers have been mapped at

international level. A survey has been created and launched and in depth interviews have been

conducted. Despite finding some universities with no tracking system, results show many organisations

or universities with online learning, implement somehow a tracking system to monitor the students. What

is really surprising, is the fact that, once the student is not enrolled in the organisation, there is not any

further contact. Consequently, there is no information on the impact online learning had on the learner’s

personal and professional competences. A common response from every survey was the importance

given to track the student.

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How to cite


Protopsaltis, A., Schorer, A., Gavalas, D., Triantis, K., Makrides, G.A., Kyrillou, R.,... Gisbert-Payá, J. (2021). Tracking, a necessity to improve online learning. In Proceedings of INTED2021 Conference (pp. 7082-7088). Virtual: IATED.


Protopsaltis, Aristidis, et al. "Tracking, a necessity to improve online learning." Proceedings of the 15th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Virtual IATED, 2021. 7082-7088.

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