Drexler H (2018)
Publication Type: Journal article, Review article
Publication year: 2018
Book Volume: 66
Pages Range: 145-150
Journal Issue: 3
DOI: 10.5414/DBX00327
Aluminum is used in antiperspirants for the general population as well as for hyper-hidrosis patients. The debate on the possible toxicity is unsettling not only the population, but also physicians. The neurotoxicity of aluminum was proven in patients after treatment with aluminum containing dialysis fluids. However, the observed encephalopathy with dementia syndrome is not to be equated with dementia of Alzheimer`s disease. It remains unclear, whether the high aluminum concentrations in the brain of Alzheimer's patients are the cause or consequence of the Alzheimer's pathology. In terms of carcinogenicity there is currently no consistent data confirming a link between aluminum and development of breast cancer. The potentially critical effect of aluminum is the neurotoxicity of the central nervous system observed at very high exposures. Even subclinical changes can be prevented in medical applications by compliance to the urine and plasma limit values.
Drexler, H. (2018). Aluminium in dermatologischen Externa – gibt es für den Einsatz Kontraindikationen aufgrund der systemischen Toxizität? Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt, 66(3), 145-150. https://doi.org/10.5414/DBX00327
Drexler, Hans. "Aluminium in dermatologischen Externa – gibt es für den Einsatz Kontraindikationen aufgrund der systemischen Toxizität?" Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt 66.3 (2018): 145-150.
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