Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt
ISSN: 1438-776X
eISSN: 1616-7090
Publisher: Dustri-Verlag Dr. Karl Feistle
Publications (19)
Reduction in Earning Capacity (MdE) for work-related Skin Cancer MdE Tables for BK Numbers 5102 and 5103 (2021)
Krohn S, Skudlik C, Bauer A, Bernhard-Klimt C, Dickel H, Drexler H, Elsner P, et al.
Journal article
Legal Changes in Occupational Diseases - Effects on the Assessment of the Reduction in Earning Capacity (MdE) in the case of work-related Skin Diseases within the Meaning of BK No. 5101 Case Studies and new Obligations to Cooperate (2021)
Krohn S, Skudlik C, Bauer A, Bernhard-Klimt C, Dickel H, Drexler H, Elsner P, et al.
Journal article
Occupational skin disease BK-No. 5101 - causality with case reports (2021)
Skudlik C, Krohn S, Bauer A, Bernhard-Klimt C, Dickel H, Drexler H, Elsner P, et al.
Journal article, Editorial
Occupational Disease No. 5101 - Legal Concept of Severe or repeatedly relapsing Skin Disease Testing Algorithm and Case Studies (2021)
Skudlik C, Krohn S, Bauer A, Bernhard-Klimt C, Dickel H, Drexler H, Elsner P, et al.
Journal article, Editorial
Changes in the law for occupational diseases - effects on the assessment of reduced earning capacity (MdE) in the case of work-related skin diseases within the meaning of BK no. 5101 (2020)
Krohn S, Skudlik C, Bauer A, Bernhard-Klimt C, Dickel H, Drexler H, Elsner P, et al.
Journal article
Legal term / interpretation "Serious or recurrent skin disease" from January 1, 2021: Consultation result of the Bamberg AG recommendation (2020)
Skudlik C, Krohn S, Bauer A, Bernhard-Klimt C, Dickel H, Drexler H, Elsner P, et al.
Journal article
Eine große Chance im Arbeitsschutz für Beschäftigte im Freien verspielt (2019)
Drexler H, Diepgen TL
Journal article
Occupational Skin Cancer according to BK 5103 - a follow-up review after its introduction in the year 2015 Berufskrankheit nach BK-Nr. 5103 - eine Bestandsaufnahme (2019)
Diepgen T, Drexler H, Fartasch M, Elsner P
Journal article, Review article
Die häufigsten Kontaktallergene der Jahre 2015 – 2017: Daten des Informationsverbundes Dermatologischer Kliniken (2019)
Geier J, Schubert S, Lessmann H, Schnuch A, Uter W, Dickel H, Buhl T
Journal article
Thomas Ludwig Diepgen zum 65. Geburtstag (2018)
Elsner P, Drexler H
Journal article