Diepgen T, Drexler H, Fartasch M, Elsner P (2019)
Publication Type: Journal article, Review article
Publication year: 2019
Book Volume: 67
Pages Range: 48-55
Journal Issue: 2
DOI: 10.5414/DBX00351
The occupational disease BK 5103 „squamous cell carcinoma or multiple actinic keratoses due to natural UV-irradiation“was introduced at 01.01.2015 and is in the meantime the second frequent recognized occupational disease in Germany with 5.318 cases in the year 2017 and 12 death cases. In this article we will discuss the new developments of this occupational disease BK 5103 since it was introduced. Frequently a case is recognised as BK 5103 without expert witness only if the occupational UV exposure is high enough (at least 40% of the private exposure at the time of the first skin cancer occurrence. However, it is important to distinguish between skin cancer as a public disease and as an occupational disease. For this decision, additional criteria have to be evaluated like UV-exposure during holidays and leisure activities, UV skin damage at occupational and non-occupational body sites, skin type according to Fitzpatrick, other risk factors like immunosuppression, time between occupational UV-exposure and onset of the skin cancer.
Diepgen, T., Drexler, H., Fartasch, M., & Elsner, P. (2019). Occupational Skin Cancer according to BK 5103 - a follow-up review after its introduction in the year 2015 Berufskrankheit nach BK-Nr. 5103 - eine Bestandsaufnahme. Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt, 67(2), 48-55. https://doi.org/10.5414/DBX00351
Diepgen, Thomas, et al. "Occupational Skin Cancer according to BK 5103 - a follow-up review after its introduction in the year 2015 Berufskrankheit nach BK-Nr. 5103 - eine Bestandsaufnahme." Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt 67.2 (2019): 48-55.
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