Micromachining of Ceramics with Excimer Laser Radiation

Goller M, Lutz N, Geiger M (1993)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 1993


Publisher: None

Book Volume: 12

Pages Range: 315-321

DOI: 10.1016/0955-2219(93)90107-3


A XeCl excimer laser (λ = 308 nm) was used for investigating the possibilities of micromachining ceramic materials. The influence of the optical setup and laser parameters on the processing quality has been determined, as well as the behaviour of various ceramic materials during the machining process. The machining results and the structure quality are discussed concerning the shape of the holes, break-outs in the structure and the homogeneity of the hole depth and size. Optical microscopy and SEM investigations served as the main tools for the characterization. Strategies for large area micromachining were investigated to achieve a very large number of high quality microstructures. © 1993.

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How to cite


Goller, M., Lutz, N., & Geiger, M. (1993). Micromachining of Ceramics with Excimer Laser Radiation. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 12, 315-321. https://doi.org/10.1016/0955-2219(93)90107-3


Goller, M., Norbert Lutz, and Manfred Geiger. "Micromachining of Ceramics with Excimer Laser Radiation." Journal of the European Ceramic Society 12 (1993): 315-321.

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