An average stochastic approach to two-body dissipation in finite fermion systems

Lacombe L, Suraud E, Reinhard PG, Dinh PM (2019)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2019


Book Volume: 406

Pages Range: 233-256

DOI: 10.1016/j.aop.2018.10.009


We present average stochastic time-dependent Hartree–Fock (ASTDHF) as a theory for efficient handling of incoherent dynamical correlations in finite fermion systems at fully quantum-mechanical level. The basic time evolution is given by time-dependent mean-field theory. The two-body collisions beyond mean-field propagation are evaluated stochastically in an incoherent ensemble of mean-field states as was done in the previously developed STDHF. The new, and time saving, feature in ASTDHF is that it employs one common mean field throughout the whole ensemble. A detailed presentation of ASTDHF is given and extensive comparison with STDHF and other approaches to dissipation are discussed. ASTDHF is found to be a very efficient approach for well bound systems where mean-field fluctuations remain small.

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How to cite


Lacombe, L., Suraud, E., Reinhard, P.-G., & Dinh, P.M. (2019). An average stochastic approach to two-body dissipation in finite fermion systems. Annals of Physics, 406, 233-256.


Lacombe, L., et al. "An average stochastic approach to two-body dissipation in finite fermion systems." Annals of Physics 406 (2019): 233-256.

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