Annals of Physics
Journal Abbreviation: ANN PHYS-NEW YORK
ISSN: 0003-4916
eISSN: 1096-035X
Publisher: Elsevier Masson
Publications (16)
Investigation of the generalised Wigner–Dunkl harmonic oscillator and its coherent states (2023)
Sedaghatnia P, Hassanabadi H, Junker G, Kr̆iz̆ J, Hassanabadi S, Chung WS
Journal article
Quantum magnetic billiards: boundary conditions and gauge transformations (2022)
Angelone G, Facchi P, Lonigro D
Journal article
Relational observables in asymptotically safe gravity (2022)
Baldazzi A, Falls K, Ferrero R
Journal article
Unlimited growth of particle fluctuations in many-body localized phases (2021)
Kiefer-Emmanouilidis M, Unanyan R, Fleischhauer M, Sirker J
Journal article
Tensor network investigation of the double layer Kagome compound Ca10Cr7O28 (2020)
Kshetrimayum A, Balz C, Lake B, Eisert J
Journal article
Disordered crystals from first principles II: Transport coefficients (2020)
Kühne TD, Heske J, Prodan E
Journal article
Approximate symmetries and conservation laws in topological insulators and associated Z-invariants (2020)
Doll N, Schulz-Baldes H
Journal article
An average stochastic approach to two-body dissipation in finite fermion systems (2019)
Lacombe L, Suraud E, Reinhard PG, Dinh PM
Journal article
Disordered crystals from first principles I: Quantifying the configuration space (2018)
Kühne TD, Prodan E
Journal article
Stochastic TDHF in an exactly solvable model (2016)
Lacombe L, Suraud E, Reinhard PG, Dinh PM
Journal article