Dobmann S, Kriesch A, Ploss D, Peschel U (2014)
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2014
Book Volume: 2
Pages Range: 990-999
Journal Issue: 10
Plasmonic metasurfaces are investigated that consist of a sub-wavelength line pattern in an ultrathin (~10 nm) silver film, designed for extraordinary suppressed transmission (EOST) in the visible spectral range. Measurements with a near-field scanning optical microscope (NSOM) demonstrate that farfield irradiation resonantly excites antenna-like (bright) modes that are localized on the metal ridges. The re-radiation of these modes into the far-field interferes destructively with the transmitted wave, thus suppressing transmission almost completely. In contrast, a second type of mode, bound (dark) surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) launched from an NSOM tip, propagates well across the metasurface, preferentially perpendicular to the grating lines.
Dobmann, S., Kriesch, A., Ploss, D., & Peschel, U. (2014). Near-Field Analysis of Bright and Dark Modes on Plasmonic Metasurfaces Showing Extraordinary Suppressed Transmission. Advanced Optical Materials, 2(10), 990-999.
Dobmann, Sabine, et al. "Near-Field Analysis of Bright and Dark Modes on Plasmonic Metasurfaces Showing Extraordinary Suppressed Transmission." Advanced Optical Materials 2.10 (2014): 990-999.
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