Ley L, Hundhausen M (1999)
Publication Type: Conference contribution
Publication year: 1999
Publisher: Materials Research Society
Edited Volumes: Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings
Pages Range: 145
Conference Proceedings Title: Symposium. Materials Research Society
Event location: San Francisco
The formation of Pt silicide (PtSi) by the thermally activated reaction of a 23 nm Pt layer on Si was monitored in situ by ellipsometry. Characteristic changes in the ellipsometric angles as a function of temperature signal the approach of two reaction fronts to the surface: one belonging to the Pt/Pt
Ley, L., & Hundhausen, M. (1999). Modeling the evolution of ellipsometric data during the thermally induced Pt-silicide formation: activation energies and prefactors. In Symposium. Materials Research Society (pp. 145). San Francisco: Materials Research Society.
Ley, Lothar, and Martin Hundhausen. "Modeling the evolution of ellipsometric data during the thermally induced Pt-silicide formation: activation energies and prefactors." Proceedings of the In Situ Process Diagnostics and Modelling, San Francisco Materials Research Society, 1999. 145.
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