Differentiable vectors and unitary representations of Fréchet-Lie supergroups

Neeb KH, Salmasian H (2013)

Publication Type: Journal article, Original article

Publication year: 2013


Publisher: Springer Verlag (Germany)

Book Volume: 275

Pages Range: 419-451

Journal Issue: 1-2

DOI: 10.1007/s00209-012-1142-5


A locally convex Lie group G has the Trotter property if, for every x1,x2g,


holds uniformly on compact subsets of R. All locally exponential Lie groups have this property, but also groups of automorphisms of principal bundles over compact smooth manifolds. A key result of the present article is that, if G has the Trotter property, π:GGL(V) is a continuous representation of G on a locally convex space, and vV is a vector such that ¯dπ(x)v:=ddt|t=0π(expG(tx))v exists for every xg, then the map gV,x¯dπ(x)v is linear. Using this result we conclude that, for a representation of a locally exponential Fréchet–Lie group G on a metrizable locally convex space, the space of Ck-vectors coincides with the common domain of the k-fold products of the operators ¯dπ(x). For unitary representations on Hilbert spaces, the assumption of local exponentiality can be weakened to the Trotter property. As an application, we show that for smooth (resp., analytic) unitary representations of Fréchet–Lie supergroups (G,g) where G has the Trotter property, the common domain of the operators of g=g¯0g¯1 can always be extended to the space of smooth (resp., analytic) vectors for G.

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How to cite


Neeb, K.H., & Salmasian, H. (2013). Differentiable vectors and unitary representations of Fréchet-Lie supergroups. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 275(1-2), 419-451. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00209-012-1142-5


Neeb, Karl Hermann, and Hadi Salmasian. "Differentiable vectors and unitary representations of Fréchet-Lie supergroups." Mathematische Zeitschrift 275.1-2 (2013): 419-451.

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