Mathematische Zeitschrift
Journal Abbreviation: MATH Z
ISSN: 0025-5874
Publisher: Springer Verlag (Germany)
Publications (15)
(Quasi-)Hamiltonian manifolds of cohomogeneity one (2023)
Knop F, Paulus K
Journal article
Differentiable vectors and unitary representations of Fréchet-Lie supergroups (2013)
Neeb KH, Salmasian H
Journal article, Original article
An implicit function theorem for Banach spaces and some applications (2009)
Neeb KH, An J
Journal article, Original article
On the sufficiency of c-cyclical monotonicity for optimality of transport plans (2008)
Pratelli A
Journal article
Calderon-Zygmund estimates for higher order systems with p(x) growth (2008)
Habermann J
Journal article
Pure point diffraction and cut and project schemes for measures: the smooth case (2007)
Lenz D, Richard C
Journal article
Centers and translation functors for category O over symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebras (2003)
Fiebig P
Journal article
A mixed boundary value problem for energy minimizing harmonic maps (1996)
Duzaar F, Grotowski JF
Journal article
On the exponential function of an ordered manifold with affine connection (1995)
Mittenhuber D, Neeb KH
Journal article, Original article
Über Hilberts vierzehntes Problem für Varietäten mit Kompliziertheit eins (1993)
Knop F
Journal article, Original article