On unified boundary conditions for improved predictions of near-wall turbulence

Jakirlic S, Jovanovic J (2010)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2010


Publisher: Cambridge University Press (CUP)

Book Volume: 656

Pages Range: 530-539

DOI: 10.1017/S0022112010002442


A novel formulation of the wall boundary conditions relying on the asymptotic behaviour of the Taylor microscale λ and its relationship to the homogeneous part of the viscous dissipation rate of the kinetic energy of turbulence ∈h =5q22, applicable to near-wall turbulence, is examined. The linear dependence of λ on the wall distance in close proximity to the solid surface enables the wall-closest grid node to be positioned immediately below the edge of the viscous sublayer, leading to a substantial coarsening of the grid resolution. This approach provides bridging of a major portion of the viscous sublayer, higher grid flexibility and weaker sensitivity against the grid non-uniformities in the near-wall region. The performance of the proposed formulation was checked against available direct numerical simulation databases of complex wall-bounded flows featured by swirl and separation. © 2010 Cambridge University Press.

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How to cite


Jakirlic, S., & Jovanovic, J. (2010). On unified boundary conditions for improved predictions of near-wall turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 656, 530-539. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0022112010002442


Jakirlic, S., and Jovan Jovanovic. "On unified boundary conditions for improved predictions of near-wall turbulence." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 656 (2010): 530-539.

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