Lyapunov spectra for all symmetry classes of quasi-one-dimensional disordered systems of non-interacting Fermions

Ludwig AWW, Schulz-Baldes H, Stolz M (2013)

Publication Type: Journal article, Original article

Publication year: 2013


Publisher: Springer Verlag (Germany)

Book Volume: 152

Pages Range: 275-304


DOI: 10.1007/s10955-013-0764-2


A random phase property is proposed for products of random matrices drawn from any one of the classical groups associated with the ten Cartan symmetry classes of non-interacting disordered Fermion systems. It allows to calculate the Lyapunov spectrum explicitly in a perturbative regime. These results apply to quasi-one-dimensional random Dirac operators which can be constructed as representatives for each of the ten symmetry classes. For those symmetry classes that correspond to two-dimensional topological insulators or superconductors, the random Dirac operators describing the one-dimensional boundaries have vanishing Lyapunov exponents and almost surely an absolutely continuous spectrum, reflecting the gapless and conducting nature of the boundary degrees of freedom. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.

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How to cite


Ludwig, A.W.W., Schulz-Baldes, H., & Stolz, M. (2013). Lyapunov spectra for all symmetry classes of quasi-one-dimensional disordered systems of non-interacting Fermions. Journal of Statistical Physics, 152, 275-304.


Ludwig, Andreas W. W., Hermann Schulz-Baldes, and Michael Stolz. "Lyapunov spectra for all symmetry classes of quasi-one-dimensional disordered systems of non-interacting Fermions." Journal of Statistical Physics 152 (2013): 275-304.

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