Journal of Statistical Physics
Journal Abbreviation: J STAT PHYS
ISSN: 0022-4715
Publisher: Springer Verlag (Germany)
Publications (35)
A Proof of Finite Crystallization via Stratification (2023)
Friedrich M, Kreutz L
Journal article
Boltzmann’s Entropy During Free Expansion of an Interacting Gas (2023)
Chakraborti S, Dhar A, Kundu A
Journal article
Universality of the Number Variance in Rotational Invariant Two-Dimensional Coulomb Gases (2023)
Akemann G, Byun SS, Ebke M
Journal article
The Free Energy of a Quantum Sherrington–Kirkpatrick Spin-Glass Model for Weak Disorder (2021)
Leschke H, Rothlauf S, Ruder R, Spitzer W
Journal article
Large Time Convergence of the Non-homogeneous Goldstein-Taylor Equation (2021)
Arnold A, Einav A, Signorello B, Wöhrer T
Journal article
Crystallization in a One-Dimensional Periodic Landscape (2020)
Friedrich M, Stefanelli U
Journal article
Spectral Properties of Unimodular Lattice Triangulations (2016)
Krüger B, Schmidt E, Mecke K
Journal article
Local Spectral Statistics of Gaussian Matrices with Correlated Entries (2016)
Ajanki OH, Erdos L, Krueger T
Journal article
Random field sampling for a simplified model of melt-blowing considering turbulent velocity fluctuations (2013)
Hübsch F, Marheineke N, Ritter K, Wegener R
Journal article, Original article
Lyapunov spectra for all symmetry classes of quasi-one-dimensional disordered systems of non-interacting Fermions (2013)
Ludwig AWW, Schulz-Baldes H, Stolz M
Journal article, Original article