Härtle R, Thoss M (2011)
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2011
Publisher: American Physical Society
Book Volume: 83
Pages Range: 115414
URI: http://prb.aps.org/abstract/PRB/v83/i11/e115414
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.83.115414
Vibronic effects in resonant electron transport through single-molecule junctions are analyzed. The study is based on generic models for molecular junctions, which include electronic states on the molecular bridge that are vibrationally coupled and exhibit Coulomb interaction. The transport calculations employ a master equation approach. The results, obtained for a series of models with increasing complexity, show a multitude of interesting transport phenomena, including vibrational excitation, rectification, negative differential resistance, as well as local cooling. While some of these phenomena have been observed or proposed before, the present analysis extends previous studies and allows a more detailed understanding of the underlying transport mechanisms. In particular, it is shown that many of the observed phenomena can only be explained if electron-hole pair creation processes at the molecule-lead interface are taken into account. Furthermore, vibronic effects in systems with multiple electronic states and their role for the stability of molecular junctions are analyzed. © 2011 American Physical Society.
Härtle, R., & Thoss, M. (2011). Resonant electron transport in single-molecule junctions: Vibrational excitation, rectification, negative differential resistance, and local cooling. Physical Review B, 83, 115414. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.83.115414
Härtle, Rainer, and Michael Thoss. "Resonant electron transport in single-molecule junctions: Vibrational excitation, rectification, negative differential resistance, and local cooling." Physical Review B 83 (2011): 115414.
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