Ristein J, Ley L (1997)
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 1997
Publisher: American Physical Society
Book Volume: 55
Pages Range: 10841
We present angle-resolved photoelectron spectra and surface state dispersions for the clean, 2x1 reconstructed (111) and (100) surfaces of diamond. For the (100) surface a surface state is found in the gap of the projected bulk band structure around Ȳ, which has a binding energy of 2.7 eV at Ȳ (relative to the Fermi level) and a dispersion in the Γ̄-Ȳ direction of 0.5 eV, consistent with theory. At Γ̄ a surface resonance is observed at 1.4 eV binding energy. No surface states were observed above the valence-band maximum. Our results on the (111) surface show a strongly dispersing surface state that reaches its maximum 0.5 eV below the Fermi level at K̄. This result implies a gap of at least 0.5 eV in the surface electronic structure, which has consequences for the surface reconstruction in terms of a π-bonded chain model.
Ristein, J., & Ley, L. (1997). Dispersion of surface states on diamond (100) and (111). Physical Review B, 55, 10841.
Ristein, Jürgen, and Lothar Ley. "Dispersion of surface states on diamond (100) and (111)." Physical Review B 55 (1997): 10841.
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