Junges L, Gallas J, Gavrielides A (2016)
Publication Language: English
Publication Type: Journal article, Original article
Publication year: 2016
Publisher: Optical Society of America
This paper reports a detailed numerical study of the synchronization properties of two mutually delay-coupled semiconductor lasers in the framework of the Lang-Kobayashi model. By computing high-definition stability diagrams we predict the complex distribution of periodic and chaotic laser oscillations on the coupling versus detuning control parameter plane. Such diagrams provide details concerning the behavior of the laser intensities, quantify objectively the synchronization between their electric fields, and display in-phase and out-of-phase laser behavior. In addition, we also describe the presence of a conspicuous abrupt change in the optimal shift for the greatest value of the cross-correlation function when varying the detuning between the optical angular frequencies of the lasers.
Junges, L., Gallas, J., & Gavrielides, A. (2016). Synchronization properties of two mutually delay-coupled semiconductor lasers. Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics. https://doi.org/10.1364/JOSAB.33.000C65
Junges, Leandro, Jason Gallas, and Athanasios Gavrielides. "Synchronization properties of two mutually delay-coupled semiconductor lasers." Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics (2016).
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