Numerical computation of the human voice source (DO 1247/10-1)
Third party funded individual grant
DO 1247/10-1
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End date :
Error detection and filtering of incompressible flow simulations for aeroacoustic predictions of human voice (2022)
Schoder S, Kraxberger F, Falk S, Wurzinger A, Roppert K, Kniesburges S, Döllinger M, Kaltenbacher M
Journal article
3D-FV-FE Aeroacoustic Larynx Model for Investigation of Functional Based Voice Disorders (2021)
Falk S, Kniesburges S, Schoder S, Jakubaß B, Maurerlehner P, Echternach M, Kaltenbacher M, Döllinger M
Journal article
Efficient numerical simulation of the human voice: simVoice – a three-dimensional simulation model based on a hybrid aeroacoustic approach (2021)
Maurerlehner P, Schoder S, Freidhager C, Wurzinger A, Hauser A, Kraxberger F, Falk S, et al.
Journal article