Formulation and Crystallization of Perovskite Bearing Glass-Ceramics for Light Management (Project G IGK 2495)

Third Party Funds Group - Sub project

Acronym: Project G IGK 2495

Start date : 01.01.2020

End date : 30.06.2024

Overall project details

Overall project

IGK 2495: Energy Conversion Systems: From Materials to Devices (IGK 2495) Jan. 1, 2020 - June 30, 2024

Project details

Scientific Abstract

Glass-ceramics are an important material class due to their versatile mechanical and thermal properties that are interesting for a number of applications. Importantly, they have the ease of preparation of glasses and the properties of the embedded crystals. In addition, novel perovskite-based crystals have also been shown to have high electrooptical conversion efficiency as well as electromechanical coupling. The development of glass-ceramics embedded with such functional crystalline particles is very attractive for various electro-optical and electromechanical energy harvesting applications. Previous investigations, for example, have demonstrated ferroelectric glass-ceramics with a piezoelectric coupling on the order of ~10 pC/N using various perovskite materials, such as BaTiO3, LiNbO3, and LiTaO3. These ferroelectric materials, however, display a relatively small electromechanical coupling. Novel lead-free ferroelectrics have demonstrated significantly larger piezoelectric and ferroelectric response, making them attractive in glass-ceramics for electromechanical energy conversion systems. In addition, through the insertion of rare earth elements (REE), which can be readily hosted on the crystallographic sites of the perovskite crystal structure, the photoluminescent properties can be controlled. This is particularly important for light conversion, which can be integrated into photovoltaic devices to increase efficiency. Perovskite-bearing glass-ceramics have been to date only attempted for a narrow range of compositions and applications.

This project will focus on synthesizing and processing glass-ceramics containing REE doped lead-free perovskites for electrooptical and electromechanical systems as well as the characterization of their optical and piezoelectric properties. This goal will be achieved by a deep understanding of atomic local environments and the use of different synthesis routes to control atomic clustering and, therefore, the nucleation stage and the shapes and orientations of the final crystals.


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Funding Source