Ethische und gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen der empathokinästhetischen Sensorik (SFB 1483 EmpkinS E)
Third Party Funds Group - Sub project
SFB 1483 EmpkinS E
Start date :
End date :
Equipping AI-decision-support-systems with emotional capabilities? Ethical perspectives (2024)
Tretter M
Journal article, Original article
Towards a smart glasses society? Ethical perspectives on extended realities and augmenting technologies (2024)
Tretter M, Hahn M, Dabrock P
Journal article, Original article
A Review and Tutorial on Machine Learning- Enabled Radar-Based Biomedical Monitoring (2024)
Krauß D, Engel L, Ott T, Bräunig J, Richer R, Gambietz M, Albrecht N, et al.
Journal article
Mitigating Health-Related Uncertainties During Pregnancy: The Role of Smart Health Monitoring Technologies (2024)
Tretter M
Journal article, Original article
Hinter tausend Brillen keine Welt? (2024)
Dabrock P, Tretter M
Other publication type
AI-produced certainties in health care: current and future challenges (2023)
Tretter M, Ott T, Dabrock P
Journal article, Original article
Künstliche Intelligenz in der Medizin: Von Entlastungen und neuen Anforderungen im ärztlichen Handeln (2023)
Tretter M, Samhammer D, Dabrock P
Journal article, Original article
Towards an Ethics for the Healthcare Metaverse (2023)
Tretter M, Samhammer D, Ott T, Dabrock P
Journal article, Original article
Palliative Care and new technologies. The use of smart sensor technologies and its impact on the Total Care principle (2023)
Ott T, Heckel M, Öhl N, Steigleder T, Albrecht N, Ostgathe C, Dabrock P
Journal article
Die Sinnfrage in der Seelsorge (2023)
Naumann T, Kießling A, Ott T, Simmerlein J
Conference contribution, Conference Contribution