Quantum cooperative helical metafilms for producing nonclassical light (C05)
Third Party Funds Group - Sub project
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Collectively Enhanced Giant Circular Dichroism of Germanium Nanohelix Square Lattice Arrays (2023)
Ellrott G, Beck P, Sultanov V, Rothau S, Lindlein N, Chekhova M, Krstic V
Journal article
Photon pairs bi-directionally emitted from a resonant metasurface (2023)
Son C, Sultanov V, Santiago Cruz T, Anthur APP, Zhang H, Paniagua-Dominguez R, Krivitsky L, et al.
Journal article
Resonant metasurfaces for generating complex quantum states (2022)
Santiago Cruz T, Gennaro SD, Mitrofanov O, Addamane S, Reno J, Brener I, Chekhova M
Journal article
Flat-optics generation of broadband photon pairs with tunable polarization entanglement (2022)
Sultanov V, Santiago Cruz T, Chekhova M
Journal article
Dose-dependent milling efficiencies of helium and nitrogen beams in PMMA (2021)
Ellrott G, Ogawa S, Uno M, Morita Y, Manoharan M, Kolesnik-Gray M, Krstic V, Mizuta H
Journal article, Letter
Detection of the Faraday Chiral Anisotropy (2021)
Caridad JM, Tserkezis C, Santos JE, Plochocka P, Venkatesan M, Coey JM, Mortensen NA, et al.
Journal article
Photon Pairs from Resonant Metasurfaces (2021)
Santiago-Cruz T, Fedotova A, Sultanov V, Weissflog MA, Arslan D, Younesi M, Pertsch T, et al.
Journal article