MBPLE4Mobility - Continuous model-based product line development for control systems in vehicle technology (MBPLE4Mobility)

Third party funded individual grant

Acronym: MBPLE4Mobility

Start date : 01.07.2021

End date : 30.06.2024

Project details

Short description

There is a wide range of variants at different system levels in the fields of railway and automotive. This includes, for example, different train platforms or driving functions. The aim of the "MBPLE4Mobility" project is to optimize product development in the railway and the automotive sector with the help of end-to-end system modelling, especially taking into account the variability and configurability of software and hardware components.

Scientific Abstract

As part of a large consortium, the Chair of Computer Science 7 is involved in the project with the model-based system design of the vehicle communication systems under inclusion of variant diversity. For this purpose, on the one hand, an optimization for the configuration and resource design of the network architecture for different communication protocols and mechanisms is realized. On the other hand, safety analyses are performed using fault trees and extending them for product lines.

Network calculus is used for the formal verification of the required real-time properties. Therefore, suitable approaches for the scheduling methods applied in the networking technologies (e.g. TAS, priority-based, CBS, etc.) have to be formulated.

Model and code generators will be developed for automated and accelerated generation of the network optimizations. safety and real-time analyses. The results of these analyses are fed back into the modeling of the overall system.


Contributing FAU Organisations:

Funding Source

Research Areas