A091: Interfering with persistence of Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 by manipulating the accessory protein p8

FAU own research funding: EFI / IZKF / EAM ...

Start date : 16.03.2020

End date : 15.09.2022

Extension date: 15.03.2023

Project details

Scientific Abstract

The highly oncogenic retrovirus Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) causes incurable neoplastic or inflammatory diseases. The viral accessory protein p8, which is proteolytically cleaved from the precursor p12 and transported to target cells prior to infection, is important for establishing persistent infections in vivo. Here, we aim to identify the protease cleaving p12 into p8, to inhibit this protease, and to assess the impact of blocking of p12/p8 processing on viral persistence.


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