Vorhersage von Produkteigenschaften mittels Data-Mining-Methoden (EFRE E|ASY OPT)

Third Party Funds Group - Sub project


Start date : 01.01.2017

End date : 31.12.2020


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Approach and application to transfer heterogeneous simulation data from finite element analysis to neural networks (2021) Sprügel T, Bickel S, Schleich B, Wartzack S Journal article Patientenspezifische Modellierung des passiven Bewegungsapparates als Grundlage für die präoperative Abschätzung postoperativer Folgeerscheinungen des endoprothetischen Hüftgelenkersatzes (2020) Scherb D, Kurz M, Fleischmann C, Wolf A, Sesselmann S, Miehling J, Wartzack S Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Comparing CAD part models for geometrical similarity: A concept using machine learning algorithms (2020) Bickel S, Sauer C, Schleich B, Wartzack S Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Konzept zur Erkennung von Singularitäten in FE-Simulationen mittels Machine-Learning Algorithmen (2019) Bickel S, Schleich B, Wartzack S Conference contribution, Conference Contribution How Do Digital Engineering and Included AI Based Assistance Tools Change the Product Development Process and the Involved Engineers (2019) Bickel S, Sprügel T, Schleich B, Wartzack S Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Simulations-DNA: Datengetriebener Ansatz zur automatischen Plausibilitätsprüfung strukturmechanischer FE-Simulationen mittels Deep Learning (2018) Sprügel T, Schleich B, Wartzack S Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Methodology for plausibility checking of structural mechanics simulations using Deep Learning on existing simulation data (2018) Sprügel T, Rothfelder R, Bickel S, Grauf A, Sauer C, Schleich B, Wartzack S Conference contribution, Conference Contribution GENERIC APPROACH TO PLAUSIBILITY CHECKS FOR STRUCTURAL MECHANICS WITH DEEP LEARNING (2017) Sprügel T, Schröppel T, Wartzack S Book chapter / Article in edited volumes