Exploring the potential of coralline algae as climate proxy and for climate model evaluation: a Southern Hemisphere case study of New Zealand
Third party funded individual grant
Start date :
End date :
A new, high-resolution atmospheric dataset for southern New Zealand, 2005–2020 (2024)
Kropac E, Mölg T, Cullen NJ
Journal article
16-year WRF simulation for the Southern Alps of New Zealand (2023)
Kropac E, Mölg T, Cullen NJ
Other publication type, Datensatz
A new, high-resolution climatological atmospheric dataset for southern New Zealand (2023)
Kropac E, Mölg T, Cullen NJ
Conference contribution, Abstract of a poster
The potential of coralline algae as SST proxy and for climate model evaluation: A New Zealand case study (2022)
Kropac E, Mölg T, Teichert S
Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture
Das Potenzial coralliner Rotalgen als SST-Proxy und für die Evaluierung globaler Klimamodelle: eine Fallstudie in Neuseeland (2021)
Kropac E, Mölg T, Teichert S
Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture