Continuous flow synthesis of patchy particles with designed resonances and interactions (SFB 1411 - A03)

Third Party Funds Group - Sub project

Acronym: SFB 1411 - A03

Start date : 01.01.2020

Overall project details

Overall project

Design of particulate products (SFB 1411) Jan. 1, 2020 - Dec. 31, 2023

Overall project speaker:

Project details

Scientific Abstract

The objective is the deposition of plasmonic patches made of noble metal on dielectric particles. To determine which process parameters lead to a certain degree of coverage and shape of patches, we will perform inline measurements of the kinetics of the redox reactions, the patch nucleation and patch growth during continuous flow synthesis. Thus, we will establish a model for patch formation. Process parameters which lead to excellent optical properties will be identified and the corresponding particles synthesised on the order of few grams and evaluated as pigments. In addition, we will functionalise tailored metal patches on nanoscale core particles in order to endow these with ability to perform anisotropic interactions.


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Funding Source