DualFlame – Modelling and optimisation of the diesel/gas combustion process (DualFlame)
Third Party Funds Group - Sub project
Start date :
End date :
Modeling the Pilot Injection and the Ignition Process of a Dual Fuel Injector with Experimental Data from a Combustion Chamber Using Detailed Reaction Kinetics (2018)
Frühhaber J, Peter A, Schuh S, Lauer T, Wensing M, Winter F, Priesching P, Pachler K
Journal article
Investigation of Mixture Formation and Flammability of Natural Gas and Diesel under Dual Fuel Operating Conditions in the Limits of Flame-quenching and Knocking (2017)
Peter A, Rieß S, Wensing M, Frühhaber J, Lauer T
Conference contribution, Conference Contribution