DualFlame – Modelling and optimisation of the diesel/gas combustion process (DualFlame)

Third Party Funds Group - Sub project

Acronym: DualFlame

Start date : 01.07.2015

End date : 30.06.2018

Project picture

Overall project details

Overall project

DualFlame – Modellierung und Optimierung des Diesel/Gas-Brennverfahrens

Overall project speaker:

Project details

Scientific Abstract

The dual fuel combustion process combines the compression ignition of the diesel process with premixed lean-burn gas engine. The processes are extremely complex and not yet understood in detail. On the one hand, the beam conditioning and ignition of diesel fuel in the fuel gas, on the other hand the lean premixed Combustion of the gas engine, extinguishing the flame and knocking combustion. Within the scope of the project applied for, the kinetically controlled processes of motor flame extinguishing and the resulting greenhouse effect hydrocarbon emissions and knocking combustion. To be worked out:
* Zones with extinguishing flame (gas phase, walls, fissures)
* Influence of engine cyclical fluctuations and ignition delay on the extinction of the
flame and the post-oxidation of the hydrocarbons
* Influence of the mixture composition (fuel gas, inert gas, air/fuel gas ratio) on
extinguishing the flame and on hydrocarbon emissions
* Transition from operating points with high hydrocarbon emissions to knocking
combustion by enrichment of the gas mixture


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