Careers in transition: Karrierecoaching und Karriereerfolg

Internally funded project

Start date : 01.04.2016


Project details

Scientific Abstract

Career is understood to be the sequence of professional activities and professional roles over the entire life span of a person. Career development begins very early: even in childhood, people are concerned with their own professional careers. According to Super (1980), the phase of professional exploration in adolescence and young adulthood, in which initial professional decisions are actively prepared and made, is of particular importance in the choice of occupation and career development. The demand for support in shaping the start of employment and the first career phase is currently rising steadily - not least due to the increasing flexibility of the labour markets resulting from digitisation. In particular, the demand for career-related coaching (career coaching) is recording a significant increase.
Career coaching is a career-related counselling intervention with the aim of changing career-related attitudes, beliefs and competencies of clients. Despite the increasing popularity of career coaching, there is insufficient scientific knowledge about the effects of different coaching methods or the interrelationships in the career coaching process. Based on different theories, the question is investigated to what extent, for example, the use of psychometric tools (e.g. personality inventories) or different micro-interventions (individual vs. group coaching, systemic coaching) influence the well-being and careers of clients. Career research is used and, accordingly, outcome measures especially of subjective career success are taken into account (e.g. professional optimism).

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