Automatic classification and image analysis of confocal laser endomicroscopy images

Internally funded project

Start date : 01.10.2014

Project details

Short description

The goal of this project is to detect cancerous tissue in confocal lasermicroendoscopy (CLE) images of the oral cavity and the vocal cord. The current treatment of these diseases is a histological analysis of specimen and a surgical resection, which has a rather high long-term survival rate, or radiation therapy with a lower survival rate. An early detection of cancerous tissue could lead to a lowered complication rate for further treatment, as well as a better overall prognosis for patients. Further, an in-vivo diagnosis during operation could narrow down the area for the necessary surgical excision, which is especially beneficial for cancer of the vocal cords.

For this reason, we are applying methods of pattern recognition to facilitate and support diagnosis. We were able to show that these can be applied with high accuracies on CLE images.

Scientific Abstract

The goal of this project is to detect cancerous tissue in confocal lasermicroendoscopy (CLE) images of the oral cavity and the vocal cord. The current treatment of these diseases is a histological analysis of specimen and a surgical resection, which has a rather high long-term survival rate, or radiation therapy with a lower survival rate. An early detection of cancerous tissue could lead to a lowered complication rate for further treatment, as well as a better overall prognosis for patients. Further, an in-vivo diagnosis during operation could narrow down the area for the necessary surgical excision, which is especially beneficial for cancer of the vocal cords.

For this reason, we are applying methods of pattern recognition to facilitate and support diagnosis. We were able to show that these can be applied with high accuracies on CLE images.


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