Digital services as a success factor for the future of value creation (DL2030)
Third party funded individual grant
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Value Creation in the Information Economy: The Triad of AI, Service, and Human Work (2024)
Roth A, Benz C, Wilga M, Hottum P, Langes B, Lewandowski T, Nägele R, et al.
Journal article, Original article
Boost Or Bust: Characterizing Value Co-Creation With AI-Based Non-Human Agents From A User Perspective (2024)
Wilga M, Lugmair N, Schymanietz M, Roth A
Conference contribution, Conference Contribution
Dienstleistungswende zur Nachhaltigkeit (2023)
Böhmann T, Roth A, Satzger G, Kurtz C, Lewandowski T, Wilga M, Hottum P, Schemmer M
Other publication type
KI-Paradigmenwechsel der Wertschöpfung: Die Triade "Dienstleistung - Arbeit - KI" gestalten (2023)
Roth A, Benz C, Wilga M, Satzger G, Böhmann T, Hottum P, Lewandowski T
Other publication type