Fügen additiv gefertigter Bauteile mittels Schweißverfahren zur Individualisierung von Serienbauteilen (FAB-Weld) (FAB-Weld)
Third party funded individual grant
Start date :
End date :
Functionalization of series components by joining laser-sintered with injection-molded parts: Weld seam characteristics in vibration welding (2023)
Wolf M, Kleffel T, Drummer D
Journal article
Weld peculiarities of infrared-welded joints between laser-sintered and injection-moulded components (2022)
Wolf M, Drummer D
Journal article, Original article
Neue Werkstoffe und Prozesse für die additive Fertigung (2022)
Drummer D, Greiner S, Grützmacher C, Jiang F, Kleffel T, Romeis M, Schlicht S, Wolf M
Journal article
Neuartiges Werkzeugkonzept zum Schweißen von komplexen Bauteilen aus Kunststoffen in Klein- und Kleinstserien (2022)
Wolf M, Beiß T, Drummer D
Journal article
Joining laser-sintered with injection-molded parts made of PA12 using infrared welding (2020)
Wolf M, Drummer D
Journal article, Original article
Weld seam morphology and bond strength of infrared and vibration welded SLS parts of polyamide 12 as a function of the layer build-up direction and the welding process (2020)
Wolf M, Werner J, Drummer D
Journal article