RAD-ON02: Determination of immunologic and pain relieving effects of radon spa therapy in patients with musculoskeletal disorders (RAD-ON02 Studie)

Third party funded individual grant

Acronym: RAD-ON02 Studie

Start date : 02.07.2018

End date : 31.12.2020

Extension date: 31.03.2021

Project details

Short description

Patients suffering from chronic musculoskeletal disorders are often treated by a plethora of NSAIDs, DMARDs, Biologicals, or a combination thereof. However, many patients are refractory to this treatment and suffer from chronic pain over years, leading to a worsening of the quality of life. Mobilization of these patients is one main therapeutic goal. For drug refractory patients serial radon bath used in radon spa therapy is a promising option, since pain-relieving effects of low-dose of radiation in patients suffering from chronic painful degenerative and/or inflammatory diseases have been described for centuries. Case reports and prospective trials have demonstrated that radon spa therapy significantly reduces pain in these patients, not only direct after therapy, but also lasting for more than 12 month in many cases. Additionally, the intake of pain-relieving drugs is significantly reduced. In an explorative andbservational trial (RAD-ON01 study), the study group of the RAD-ON02 study already revealed that radon spa therapy in addition to significant reduction of pain impacts on the peripheral immune system of the patients. While the major immune cells were only marginally affected, in particular regulatory T cells and dendritic cells were temporarily increased and activation markers on immune cells were decreased. Further, a decrease of serum markers related to bone erosion was observed.
Therefore, the RAD-ON01 study showed for the first time systemic modulation of immune status after radon spa therapy with approximately 0.3mSv cumulative effective dose of radiation.
The consecutive RAD-ON02 trail now aims for the first time to analyze in detail the immune status of patients suffering from chronic musculoskeletal disorders before, during and after LD-RT in a longitudinal manner and controlled by placebo spa application. With this prospective, temporarily placebo-controlled and double-blinded trial the evidence level of radon spa application and knowledge on osteoimmunological modes of action of radon should be improved.

Scientific Abstract

In dieser Studie soll primär der Einfluss von Radon auf Immunzellen, entzündliche und anti-entzündliche Mediatoren des peripheren Blutes von Patienten mit muskuloskelettalen Beschwerden untersucht werden. Diese sogenannte Immunophänotypisierung wird bei den Patienten im Längsschnitt vor und zu vier Zeitpunkten nach Abschluss der Therapie durchgeführt. Dabei wird eine temporäre Placebo-Gruppe eingeführt, um den auf das Radon zurückgehenden Effekt genau zu verstehen und um den Wirkmechanismus der
Radonbalneologie maximal beleuchten zu können. Zudem sollen auch die bisher nur sehr sporadisch beschriebenen potentiellen strahlenbedingten Risiken durch eine radonbalneologische Behandlung herausgearbeitet werden. In Zusammenarbeit mit Kooperationspartnern an der Technischen Universität Darmstadt und der Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung sollen mögliche Risiken durch die Messung von Chromosomenabberation und durch biodosimetrische Messungen genauer bestimmt werden.


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