Third Party Funds Group - Sub project
Acronym: GRK2423 - P11
Start date : 02.01.2019
End date : 30.06.2023
Extension date: 31.12.2027
In previous works, the dependence of failure mechanisms in composite materials like debonding of the matrix-fibre interface or fibre breakage have been discussed. The underlying model was based on specific cohesive zone elements, whose macroscopic properties could be derived from DFT. It has been shown that the dissipated energy could be increased by appropriate choices of cohesive parameters of the interface as well as aspects of the fibre. However due to the numerical complexity of applied simulation methods the crack path had to be fixed a priori. Only recently models allow computing the full crack properties at macroscopic scale in a quasi-static scenario by the solution of a single nonlinear variational inequality for a given set of material parameters and thus model based optimization of the fracture properties can be approached.
The goal of the project is to develop an optimization method, in the framework of which crack properties (e.g. the crack path) can be optimized in a mathematically rigorous way. Thereby material properties of matrix, fibre and interfaces should serve as optimization variables.
In previous works, the dependence of failure mechanisms in composite materials like debonding of the matrix-fibre interface or fibre breakage have been discussed. The underlying model was based on specific cohesive zone elements, whose macroscopic properties could be derived from DFT. It has been shown that the dissipated energy could be increased by appropriate choices of cohesive parameters of the interface as well as aspects of the fibre. However due to the numerical complexity of applied simulation methods the crack path had to be fixed a priori. Only recently models allow computing the full crack properties at macroscopic scale in a quasi-static scenario by the solution of a single nonlinear variational inequality for a given set of material parameters and thus model based optimization of the fracture properties can be approached.
The goal of the project is to develop an optimization method, in the framework of which crack properties (e.g. the crack path) can be optimized in a mathematically rigorous way. Thereby material properties of matrix, fibre and interfaces should serve as optimization variables.